Acceptance on nonperformance basis is very essential for children because when they perceive that acceptance comes with performance, the w...
Acceptance on nonperformance basis is very essential for children because when they perceive that acceptance comes with performance, the w...
Muutos Foundation International with mission to help children develop their potential and promote their social, emotional, physical and co...
Awarding headteachers at Tumbaw was an initiative of Muutos Foundation International to encourage headteachers that are hardworking so tha...
It was very great to see the bright faces of orphans in the Tumbaw village. we were able in partnership with Rabiatou Scholarship program ...
Children need our love. We have discovered that children understand well when they are being thought by a teachers that show them love and...
After our survey our team realized that education can be enhanced by substituting the teaching practice of talking more and experimenting ...
After our survey our team realized that education can be enhanced by substituting the teaching practice of talking more and experimenting...