Show acceptance on nonperformance basis

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Acceptance on nonperformance basis is very essential for children because when they perceive that acceptance comes with performance, the whole contract changes.
Encourage your children and let them know that you love them and would not let anything come between you and them.
if your child fail an Exams and you go about shouting and showing how bad your  child is, He/she will feel rejected. lot at that child as you and imagine you are the one standing on the school assembly grownd waiting for your name to be called as one of the successful candidates and at the end you don't hear your name how will you feel? And what will you expect of your parents? Love or rejection?
instead of love when children fail parents get angry and reject their children.
Yes you will want to encourage, and go e your child all sort of good things but because of failure you punish and even disassociate from them.  Those are our natural inclinations but as parents you have to bulk them and apply the principle of unconditional love and bonding.
you have to sacrifice everything you love to override your emotions and disassociate your feelings about failure and consider your child separate as a person.
Always tell your children that you are proud of their perseverance and boldness in the face of defeat. You are a real champion to endure the frustration to keep trying and not giving up.
Parents/child relationship is fare more important than the failure of your children.
Successful loving occurs only when people practice a policy of "Total acceptance towards one another"
Do what ever it takes to make children feel like you accept their total person.  If you deny this they will feel rejected.

Muutos for kids parenting team.
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